Monday, July 22, 2013

New Life - New Blog

Well would you look at that - a new blog for my new life.  I am creating this blog so I can share the exciting new adventures of my life with my family.  So with this blog expect a lot of laughs, pictures and feel good stories.  I know that life is too precious to focus on the negatives, I am sure there are going to be some "not so happy" times in my life.  ...but I am not going to dwell on those moments.  Those moments I will take as learning experiences and move on.  So with all of that being said let me tell you some exciting and new things happening to me:

*I got divorced!
*I met a really amazing guy - Ronnie O.
*That amazing guy asked me to be his wife!
*I am moving to Tennessee!
*I have applied for a job, and I am hoping I can move into a management/supervisor position eventually.
*Ronnie O. and I are going to start trying for babies soon :)

...those are just a few things that are happening, so stay tuned for more updates!